
Post weight loss surgery

Tiempo de lectura 2 minutos



Nowadays, skin problems are quite common due to the constant weight rebounds as a result of pregnancy, gastric bypass surgery or diets. These changes lead to the stretching and shortening of the skin which causes laxity and the loss of cutaneous elasticity. The places where this is most frequently seen are the breasts, the abdomen, the arms and the medial muscles, although occasionally there can be excessive skin in the neck or even in the genital area. The solution is none other than removing the loose skin. Although sport is a good ally for defining the body and losing weight, it has little effect on elasticity and loose skin.

For every area, there is a correct surgical intervention:

In the face, facelift.

In the arms, brachioplasty.

In the male chest, known as pseudo-gynecomastia, subcutaneous mastectomy and liposuction.

In the female chest, mastopexy to reposition the breasts in their correct place.

In the abdomen, abdominoplasty.

In the thighs, liposuction complemented with thigh lift or cruroplasty.

When planning interventions for someone who has lost weight, it will be necessary to individualise each problem as some interventions are more pleasant than others. This is to say that the scars of mastopexy or abdominoplasty are easy to hide with the clothes that we usually wear, even in summer. However, a scar, no matter how small it may be, along the medial thigh or the arm is more difficult to hide as we all wear short sleeves and shorts in the summer.

In terms of the post-operative treatment, you should always wear compression clothing to diminish the inflammation as much as possible, avoid tobacco for a month before and after the intervention, as it is known to have a negative influence on healing and, finally, keep the scars well hydrated with rosehip oil.

Normally, during the surgical planning, the treatment of various areas in the same day is suggested in order to lower costs and make the most of the patient’s rest period.

Definitively, each problem will have to be evaluated and each case will have to be dealt with on its own in order to complete the correct surgical planning, as long as they have reached the correct weight.


Dr. Javier Collado